Saturday, June 7, 2008

The NY Times OP-ED Page Does Baseball

Former Cub, Phillie, Yankee, and Texas Ranger Doug Glanville waxes poetic in today's New York Times about the Cubs' heartbreaking loss in the 2003 NLCS against the Marlins. Glanville was a reserve on that team, but I would recommend his piece as a must-read for anyone else who watched or remembers that series. The Mets were irrelevent at the time, but after a 95 loss campaign I was still focused on what was both a riveting and in the end pretty disappointing post-season. With the Cubs and Red Sox both in 7 game LCS series that year, that's probably the closest we ever came to seeing an epic World Series battle of two cursed organizations; of course, in perhaps the most authentic fashion the Cubs and BoSox both lost that year and we were instead treated to the double downer Marlins and Yankees show.

It's interesting that with both teams (Cubs: 39-23, Red Sox: 38-26) looking pretty good right now, we could be set up for a Cubs/Sox battle in 2008. But of course, the number of cursed organizations in such a potential battle has since fallen to one (twice).

Note the other fans not named Steve Bartman also reaching for the ball

Anyway, check out Glanville's piece. Let's all hold hands and pray for the health of Johan Santana's bruised shoulder, as the Mets try to leave California with a winning record.

The Problem With Being Preordained (New York Times)

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